
Sheyla's Medaillon

I was encharmed by oriental dance in 2004, and from the first moment I began to devote myself to it intensively and then professionally. Thanks to dance, I can pass on my experience to the other students and fellow lecturers, I help to prepare dancers for competitions, create group choreography, teach theoretical lectures and research Egyptian folklore. Thanks to dance, I can travel around the world for performances or classes and this way get to know entire world. I have already traveled to the following countries with and for dance: Poland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Italy, India, South Korea, South Africa...

My courses and seminars are always full of information and I don't forget the uniqueness of each participant's speech. In addition to seminars, I teach special weekend seminars, intensive dance bootcamps, private lessons, regular lessons and I also train dancers and groups for competitions and performances. This job really fulfills me and I always try to prepare everything according to the wishes of the students.

Dance has become my mission, and therefore I also focus on education and popularization of oriental (belly) dance in the Czech Republic, and I am creator of many projects that aim to present these dance styles in their artistic and authentic form, support and connect the dance community and in also to introduce these dances to the public through performances or by teaching a courses for beginners. Such courses have health effects for women of all ages.

Projects that you may know and that I stand behind - dance groups Al Fayyum Dancers, Awaleem and Aphrodisia dance company, dance hafly Orient Night, Tales of Sahara festival, Conference for dancers and lecturers, this year the international format of Al Raqs, Orient Express online magazine which over time turned into the Orient Express Live! podcasts, the creation of Fusion studio in Brno, Orient Bootcamp with Badriyah, collaboration at the Kan Zaman online international festival, the Aphrodisia dance show cabaret and the Egyptian Folklore Workshop.

Screening of documentary film and Discussion with the author of the film:
[Funoon Shaabeya]

[Funoon Shaabeya] is a film documenting Egyptian traditional dance and music throughout the many regions in one of the world's most fascinating places. From original settings to regional troupes. What folklore means to Egyptians and how it has shaped their culture. Today in modern Egypt we still see evidence of its vast past through tradition, folklore and it's people which will be highlighted in the documentary I'm producing [Funoon Shaabeya].

The term [Funoon Shaabeya] refers to traditional art in general and the film is focusing on its folklore artists. These important living traditions can still be found thanks to persistent artists who have devoted their lives to their art, young activists through cultural events and venues. You may find these venues everywhere in Egypt with its variety of dance and music styles, from the ancient to modern Egyptian times.

Real stories of Egyptians, Nubians from the South, Ghawazee in Luxor or people in Siwa.

Watch their authentic and professional performances.


...of what traditions and folklore mean to the Egyptian people.

Who have devoted their lives to traditional art through cultural events and venues.

11.11. 2022 od 19:00, Cinema of SVČ Rýmařov
Price of the ticket: 250,-/person in advance

(discussion with the author of the film included in the price of the ticket)